Chapada Diamantina
It is located in the geometric center of the State of Bahia at 427 Km from Salvador. The most suitable city to stay is Lençóis with 10.000 inhabitants. It has hotels and inns, ecotourism agencies and local guides. The use of own vehicle is not necessary, since the tours offered by the agencies offer transfer and are the best option.
It is the chapada with the most beautiful caves in Brazil. The abysses and the plateaus are imposing. The Fumaça Waterfall, the second highest in Brazil with 340 meters of gulf, is impressive. The cerrado vegetation is characteristic of the northeast and the soil is encrusted with colored crystals. The city of Lençóis is marked by its historical climate, with nineteenth-century facades, and prints the nobility of the diamond mining era.
Learn more at and, complete guides with tips about the region.